Water filtration for drinking water

Membrane Filtration Systems for Beverage

We supply drinking water filtration systems using Japanese membrane technology.
This system has a filtration capacity of up to approximately 1200 liters per hour. The filtered water is not only clear, but also removes pathogens that can cause diarrhea and other diseases. The system can be powered not only by commercial power, but also by solar power with additional specifications. This makes it possible to utilize the system in areas without electricity.

Slow sand filtration
When using low-turbidity surface water as raw water, filtration using slow sand filtration technology is the easiest and least expensive method to construct. Slow sand filtration has been used for many years. This method not only removes turbidity and other contaminants but can also remove pathogens through bacteria. However, when it rains, the turbidity of rivers increases, and the slow sand filtration method may not be able to filter the water in time. To obtain stable water quality, turbidity must be controlled in a sedimentation tank.

Slow sand filtration (for explanation)

The Best Combination

We consider the combination of slow sand filtration and membrane filtration is the best. With this combination, stable water quality can be obtained through membrane filtration even when slow sand filtration is not sufficient. Also, when combined with slow sand filtration, the burden of membrane filtration can be reduced. This reduces the frequency of membrane cleaning and significantly extends the life of the membrane.

We will update you on slow sand filtration.

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